Recent Water Damage Posts

Flood Tips

7/25/2024 (Permalink)

Knowing how to prepare and deal with potential flooding in advance can affect how much of your property can be restored and how much has to be replaced. Below are prevention, mitigation and restoration tips to follow until help arrives:

Flood Prevention Tips

  • Determine if your property is in a floodplain.
  • In any emergency, always listen to the instructions given by the local emergency management officials.
  • Carefully assess how your company functions, both internally and externally, to determine which staff, materials, procedures and equipment are absolutely necessary to keep the business operating.
  • Plan what you will do if your building, plant or store is not accessible. This type of planning is often referred to as a continuity of operations plan, or COOP, and includes all facets of your business.
  • Review your emergency plans annually. Just as your business changes over time, so do your preparedness

Simple Steps to Avoid Water Damages

8/2/2023 (Permalink)

Read your water bill

It is always a good idea to monitor your water bill regularly. Most people just look at the "amount due" and forget the rest of the bill. Look it over and compare the previous months usage to the current months usage to check for any differences. That can be the best indication of a leak that you might not know about.

Chemical solutions may not be the best thing when unclogging you sink

Clogs happen. Everyone has experienced them in one way or another. Unclogging solutions are extremely handy, however they can potentially erode your pipes and possibly cause future problems. Whenever possible, try to avoid those chemical solutions and try using a drain snake instead.

Never pour grease down your sink

Grease can be harmful to pipes if it hardens inside the trap and causes back ups. If you think diluting grease with hot water and degreaser dish soap helps, it doesn't . The best thing for grease disposal is to put it in a container such as a old coffee can and let it harden before you throw it away.

Be careful planting trees or shrubs

Planting trees and shrubs are great if you are looking to add some shade to help your home cool down in these hot summer months. Always be careful of trees and shrubs that may have invasive roots. Trees and shrubs with invasive roots can cause problems with irrigation pipes and even septic tanks.

SERVPRO of Fort Dodge 515-955-4009 

Roof Leaks

3/25/2022 (Permalink)

There are many sources in a home that can create water damage. There could be a broken pipe, washing machine malfunction, a water heater failure, among others. But another source some don’t think about until it happens is the roof. Typically, home or business owners do not climb their building to visually inspect their roof on a regular basis. Until there is water dripping, or dark discoloration forming on the ceiling, it’s easy not knowing if there is missing shingles or areas that have worn over time. 

Performing inspections on the property from time to time would help identify problem areas in advance. A good place to start an inspection is the attic (if the building has one), as it rarely gets checked. Look at the decking and trusses, and see if there are any signs of water staining or water dripping. When cleaning out the gutters in the fall on some roofs, it is a great time to look at the overall condition of the roof. Inspect the shingles for any damage, as well as the edges. 

The most common sign of roof leaks are water marks or stains on the ceiling, water running down the wall, or bubbling paint on the ceiling or wall. If there is a slow leak for an extended period of time, there could be a musty odor. This can be a sign of fungal growth or rot. 

If you had a roof leak and need structural drying, call SERVPRO of Fort Dodge today! 

Storm Flooding

3/25/2022 (Permalink)

As we approach Spring, the rainy season is right around the corner. No matter where you live there is a good chance your town or city has flooded before, or could possibly flood. There several critical things you need to know about flood water, and the associated dangers. 

Don’t drive in flooded areas: 

  • Floodwater can pose a drowning risk 
  • Always follow warnings about flooded roads 
  • Do NOT drive into flooded areas; vehicles won’t protect you from floodwaters. Vehicles can be swept away and may stall out. 

Stay out of floodwater: 

Flood waters contain many substances that are potentially harmful to your health. Here is a list of some of these hazardous items: 

  • Downed power lines 
  • Human and livestock waste 
  • Household, medical, and industrial hazardous waste 
  • Other contaminants that can lead to illness 
  • Physical objects such as lumber, vehicles, and debris 
  • Wild or stray animals such as rodents and snakes 

Exposures to contaminated floodwater can cause: 

  • Wound infections 
  • Skin rash 
  • Gastrointestinal illness 
  • Tetanus 

If you come in contact with floodwater: 

  • Wash the affected area with soap and clean water. If you don’t have soap or water, use 

alcohol-based wipes or sanitizer 

  • Take care of wounds and seek medical attention if necessary 
  • Wash contaminated clothes with hot water and detergent, or consider disposal 
  • If you have to enter flood water, be sure to wear rubber boots, rubber gloves, and goggles 

SERVPRO of Fort Dodge 515-955-4009 



What You Should Know About Water Damage Restoration Planning

3/23/2022 (Permalink)

When homeowners find themselves faced with water from a flood or bursting pipes, they often want to know how long the restoration efforts will take. The answer depends on the extent of the damage, the type of water to invade the home and materials used throughout the affected area. Homeowners can expect the process to take anywhere from two to three days, but to not be surprised if it takes as many as seven. Some factors that affect the time it takes to dry out a home include: 

  • The type of water to flood the home 
  • The size of the area affected 
  • The building materials affected 

Type of Water 
Clean water is easier to clean up than black water, as the former doesn’t require special Hazmat materials or equipment. If your problems stem from bursting pipes, the solution may be as simple as fixing the pipes and drying out the area. If you do so within 24 to 48 hours, you can prevent mold and bacteria growth as well. 
Size of Affected Area 
The type of water isn’t the only factor to affect restoration times. The size of area plays a huge part as well. If the size of the affected area is relatively small, less than ten square feet, restoration efforts can take as little as two days. However, if your entire ground floor is flooded, it could take several days of professional efforts. 
Materials Impacted 
If it is just your carpet that is affected, restoration efforts shouldn’t require much of your time at all. However, if your drywall, insulation and/or framing are impacted, you may need to do more than fix a broken pipe. Restoration efforts in the latter instance could take as long as 10 days or more. 
Every situation is different, and the water damage caused by bursting pipes could be far more severe than damage from, say, a leaking pipe. Talk to your local SERVPRO of Fort Dodge water damage restoration team to learn more about what to expect. 

SERVPRO of Fort Dodge 515-955-4009 

Timeline of Destruction for Water Damage

3/23/2022 (Permalink)

Don't let water damage ruin your home or business. Call the pros at SERVPRO! 

A little water isn't going to hurt anything. WRONG!! When water damage is left untreated, the structure of a home or business starts to deteriorate over time. Here is the timeline of destruction if the water damage goes untreated: 

Within Minutes 

  • Carpets, padding beneath flooring, subflooring becomes saturated. 
  • Furniture on wet carpets starts to leach and stain. 
  • Wood/wood products start absorbing water. 
  • Personal belongings may be completely destroyed. 

Within Hours 

  • Humidity makes the odor noticeable. 
  • Particleboard cabinetry and furniture distorts and the integrity of the material weakens, crumbling over time. 
  • Dyes from non-colorfast fabrics bleed (clothing stored together, upholstery, etc.). 
  • In 48 hours or less, clean or grey water can deteriorate to black water, and areas that experience water intrusion clean water can rapidly become toxic. 

Within Days 

  • Mold becomes visible and causes musty odors 
  • Allergen sensitivities can be caused by microbial organisms. 
  • Wood may severely warp and cup, making most wooden floors unsalvageable. 
  • Painted walls blister and wallpaper begins to peel away. 
  • Structural wood within home, such as framing, begins to swell and split. 

Within Weeks 

  • Home is hazardous to human health and must be evacuated. 
  • Mold infests organic materials, rendering it unsalvageable. 
  • Drywall crumbles while the home’s structural integrity declines. 
  • Damage to the foundation becomes apparent. 
  • Home may be salvageable but may need to be gutted down to the studs. 

Within Months 

  • Damage to the foundation may be significant. 
  • The cost of repairs is likely more than the value of the home. 
  • Damage that could have been prevented over time (i.e., neglect) disqualifies the owner from insurance claims. 
  • The home may be unsalvageable 

Remember, just because it "looks dry" doesn't mean it is dry! 

SERVPRO of Fort Dodge 515-515-4009 

Does Your Insurance Cover Flooding and Water Damage?

3/22/2022 (Permalink)

Will your homeowners' insurance cover the damage that occurs because of a broken pipe? The answer to this question depends on several factors. One of the most important things you need to know is that the damage is probably covered if the damage was the result of a sudden or unforeseen happening: 

  • Leaking air conditioner 
  • Malfunctioning clothes washing machine 
  • Broken pipes because of freezing temperatures 

It's important to understand that your policy may not cover all of these specific situations. Your best source of accurate information is the insurance coverage provider. 

Understand Insurance Exclusions 

In most situations, if the damage is the result of gradual changes or the lack of proper maintenance, you'll probably have to pay for the repairs. Some examples of policy exclusions include a leaking pipe that you ignored, mold damage from an ice dam on a clogged roof gutter, and high levels of humidity in the bathroom. Again, coverage and exclusions vary from one insurance provider to another. 

Don't Ignore Signs of Trouble 

Most of the time, insurance companies expect homeowners to care for the plumbing system, taking steps to make sure pipes don't freeze, connections are kept tight, and that signs of damage, such as cracks and mold, are addressed right away. Slow-developing damage is often the result when homeowners don't address these issues, and this type of flood damage often isn't covered. 

Keep Up With Maintenance 

The best way to avoid the costs of hiring flooding and water damage cleanup crews is to regularly maintain the pipes and plumbing systems in your home. At the first sign of trouble, take steps to correct leaks, clogs, and mold. It's also helpful to contact your agent to learn more about the water damage risks in Fort Dodge. You could also ask for advice on reducing the risk of a broken pipe and other sources of flood damage. 

SERVPRO of Fort Dodge 515-955-4009 

Different Categories of Water

3/21/2022 (Permalink)


Category 1 (Clean) Water - Refers to a source of water that does not pose a substantial threat to humans and is classified as "clean water". Examples are broken water supply lines, tub or sink overflows, or appliance malfunctions that involve water supply lines. If this water moves through certain building materials, it could change the category. 

Category 2 (Grey) Water - Refers to a source of water that contains a significant degree of chemical, biological or physical contaminants and causes discomfort or sickness when consumed or even exposed to, known as "grey water". This type carries microorganisms and nutrients of microorganisms. Examples are toilet bowls with urine (no feces), sump pump failures, and water discharge from dishwashers or washing machines. 

Category 3 (Black) Water - Known as "black water" and is grossly unsanitary. This water contains unsanitary agents, harmful bacteria, and fungi. Type 3 category is contaminated water sources that affect the indoor environment. This category includes water sources from sewage, seawater, rising water from rivers or streams, ground surface water, or standing water. Category 2 Water or Grey Water that is not promptly removed from the structure and/or has remained stagnant may be re-classified as Category 3 Water. Toilet back flows that originate from beyond the toilet trap are considered black water contamination regardless of visible content or color. 

We Can and Will take care of any type of water loss! 

You can count on us if disaster strikes. 

SERVPRO of Fort Dodge is always HERE TO HELP. 

We can be reached 24/7 at 515-955-4009 

3 Things You Should Know About Water Damage

2/2/2021 (Permalink)

3 Things You Should Know About Water Damage

Whether you have a pipe burst or a leak in your water line, water damage to your home is not good. Therefore, it is crucial to get a qualified restoration company out as soon as you discover the issue to clean up. But before this, there are some things you should know about water damage.

1. There Are Different Categories
Each instance of water damage is unique. There are actually three different categories for this type of disaster. Category 1 is considered clean water. Any water that has come into contact with potential pollutants is category 2. If the water is highly contaminated with dangerous pollutants, it is considered category 3.

2. You Must Respond Quickly
If a pipe burst has caused flooding in your Fort Dodge, IA home, you need to act within 48 hours to prevent mold spores from growing. You should immediately contact your insurance company and a cleanup crew. When talking to the insurance company, it is important to know exactly where the flood came from to estimate how much will be covered. They will also likely recommend a restoration company. Just remember that you can choose to use the recommended company or a different one.

3. Drying Out Your Home Is Crucial
Many people think they can clean the water, and they are done. However, this is just the beginning, and any porous materials may have to be discarded. Generally, only hard non-porous materials can be salvaged. These items will need to be thoroughly dried out. Additionally, home building materials, such as drywall, may have to be removed or undergo a drying treatment to be salvageable.
Water damage can be caused by mother nature or a pipe burst. To minimize the damage to your home, you must know some basic facts about water damage and how to react. Understanding the different categories, the reaction time, and the cleanup process can make your after-flood experience much smoother.

SERVPRO of Fort Dodge (515) 955-4009

Damage from Burst Pipe

1/26/2021 (Permalink)

Frozen pipe that has burst Frozen pipe that has burst

Frozen pipes can be dangerous for a multitude of reasons. They can create an inconvenience but, more seriously, can cause severe damage to your home or business.

Detecting Frozen Pipes

One of the first signs of frozen pipes is a lack of running water, causing an inconvenience in performing your everyday tasks. The first step to take when you notice you may have a frozen pipe is to try to locate where the frozen pipe is situated in your home. Fortunately, if the pipe in question is easy to access, such as a pipe under a kitchen sink, you might be able to thaw the blockage using a hairdryer or a small space heater. This is the best case scenario. Unfortunately, many people do not recognize a frozen pipe in time before it becomes a burst pipe or the pipe is in an exterior wall where it may not be noticeable, which can lead to severe damage.

That is where SERVPRO can help!

Should you experience water damage from a burst pipe in your home, call the experts at SERVPRO of Fort Dodge immediately. We are standing by 24/7, ready for your call to help restore your home after water damage. From extraction and cleaning to any necessary contents cleaning, we are Here to Help.

SERVPRO of Fort Dodge (515) 955-4009

Signs to Look for When You’re Dealing With Water Damage

1/25/2021 (Permalink)

Water damage is a common headache for homeowners. In fact, one out of every 50 American homeowners files a water damage claim on their homes every year.

That’s not just because there are more of all types of claims being filed, either. Other types of claims have been falling in recent years. Water Damage Claims are growing annually, while claims for fire damage have been falling.

When to Consider Reaching Out for Help

If you’re a Fort Dodge area homeowner, you may be wondering when you might need water damage restoration help. Your local SERVPRO team can help answer your questions. And if you need restoration work, we can create a custom damage report for you.

You might notice these signs if you’re dealing with water damage that needs to be evaluated by water remediation specialists:

Fabric upholstery or curtains start to bleed or fade. Contact with water can cause certain fabrics to stain, bleed or fade. If you notice that happening to your drapes or your upholstered furniture, take notice. It can be a sign of water damage.

Wood in your home is starting to warp. Items made of wood can show damage from water only a few days after exposure. So timing is essential if you start to notice wood warping or staining. Call a water remediation technician immediately.

Signs of mold start becoming obvious. Musty odors are among the first signs of mold and mildew. So if you notice that distinctive scent, it’s important to move fast and begin the remediation process. Mold only worsens over time.

If you have water damage in your home due to a burst pipe or another cause, you can count on us for restoration assistance. We have teams who are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Call SERVPRO of Fort Dodge at (515) 955-4009 to learn more about our restoration services.

Dripping water can cause damage!

1/25/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Fort Dodge Has the Answer for Property Owners Faced with Water Damage.

Water damage is one of the risks a homeowners face when they buy a home. Indoor plumbing will likely fail at some point, and when it does, it makes for a wet mess. The experienced professionals at SERVPRO of Fort Dodge can help you identify the source of the problem, correct it, and restore your home to a clean, dry condition. Rapid water extraction, after the source has been eliminated, and then moisture removal to reach standard household levels, will mitigate the dangers of contaminated water and mold growth. One of the first things that need to be determined when you have flooding caused by a plumbing failure is whether the water is clean, gray or black. These classifications indicate where the water is coming from and what sort of contaminants it may contain. Water damage occurs in many forms. Clean Water refers to water that is piped into your home. It has not yet been used for any household purpose, so it is clear and free of any hazardous substances.  Drinking water. This water may be leaking from a burst pipe in the walls; it can also be the result of a failed pressure valve on your water heater tank, which allows the water to flood out. There is a large list of possible reasons for an unwanted water intrusion. Gray Water is more damaging. This is water that has flowed in sinks, showers, washing machines and all other plumbing including toilets tanks. Gray water does not contain harmful pathogens, but it does hold food waste, chemical products, and absorbed particulates from the surroundings that can harbor bacteria. Some soaps and other personal care products also contain ingredients that can be toxic if ingested. Black water is the most dangerous. It includes overflow water from a toilet, backed up septic tanks or sewer lines, and degraded gray water. This water contains hazardous bacteria that are linked with raw sewage. If you detect black water flooding, keep yourself and your family out of contact with the water. If you must enter the flooded area, you should wear rubber gloves, safety goggles, and protect your feet with rubber boots or plastic bags.

Call the professionals from SERVPRO of Fort Dodge! Whenever your household plumbing fails, no matter what the source of the water is, we can help. Rapid and safe water removal from your property will mitigate health concerns, water damage to personal possessions, furnishings, and building materials. We can also save you money by repairing and restoring rather than replacing salvageable property.

Our IICRC-certified trained technicians have the skills to return your Fort Dodge area water damaged home to pre loss condition "Like it never even happened." 

As leaders in the water damage industry, SERVPRO of Fort Dodge has advanced training and expertise, not to mention a tremendous amount of hands-on experience. With pride, we service the Fort Dodge area for all residential and commercial water damage.

Call us 24/7 for help -  (515) 955-4009

Fort Dodge 24-Hour Emergency Water Damage Service

1/25/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Fort Dodge is available 24 hours a day for water emergencies, large or small. When you are dealing with water damage, immediate action is crucial. A delay of just a few hours can greatly increase the severity of the water damage.

We Answer the Phone Ready to Help

Call Today: (515) 955-4009

We understand that when you call us, you may be feeling confused, stressed, and vulnerable. You need an expert to guide you through this crisis. SERVPRO of Fort Dodge has the specific water damage training and experience to help you through this tough time. We specialize in water damage restoration—in fact, it's the cornerstone of our business.

What to Expect

When you call, we will ask several questions regarding your water damage emergency. These questions will help us determine what equipment and resources to bring, including how many trained SERVPRO Professionals may be needed.

Our SERVPRO Representative will ask several questions:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Your insurance information (if applicable)
  • The street address of the water-damaged home or business
  • When did the flooding or water damage occur?
  • What caused the water damage (if known)?
  • Is there electricity available (on-site)?

SERVPRO of Fort Dodge specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. With IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property. Contact us at (515) 955-4009

Water Damage In Fort Dodge

1/25/2021 (Permalink)

Do you have a small roof leak or a water spot on the floor where bathwater splashes? While those little leaks and water stains may seem inconsequential, more damage and potential health risks could be hidden underneath the surface. So what are the signs you should be looking for further water damage to your Fort Dodge area home? 

Water Leaks

If you have a small water stain on your ceiling, you first want to determine where the water came from. If you have access above the ceiling like an attic, you can get up there and look for signs of a water leak from the roof or a leaking pipe. Even condensation from a pipe can cause water to drip and stain a ceiling over time. The source of the water leak is not always right above the water stain. Water from a leak can travel down the wood framing, across wires, along pipes and other structural pieces behind your home's ceilings and walls. 

If you cannot look behind the wall or ceiling, you may want to call water damage restoration experts like SERVPRO of Fort Dodge. We have the expertise and tools to examine the water damage's full extent and determine the best steps to repair the water damage and stop any further damage from happening. 

Another sign beside a water stain of water damage is a soft spot on your home's walls, ceilings, or floors. This happens a lot around bathtubs, kitchen sinks, windows, and external walls. While there might not always be a water stain or obvious sign of a water leak, a spot where you can push in on the floor or wall, or ceiling can be a sign of water damage that is hidden below the surface. This could be an easy restoration or a potentially difficult one where there could be mold damage and extensive damage to the house's structure. 


In any case, the sooner you call us, the faster the damage can be stopped and repaired. We call this action "Mitigation," and this means to lessen the severity. When we service a home with potential water damage, we work quickly to identify the source of the water damage, the areas of the house that have been affected, then take steps to immediately stop the water leak and restore the water damaged areas and make it "Like it never even happened."

Always Here To Help

If you notice a water stain on your ceiling or a musty smell from under the wood floor, you likely have a water leak that is causing that. Our highly trained water restoration technicians are skilled at finding the source of the damage and then fully restoring your home to its preloss condition. Click here to see what out customers have to say about us. Our office is always open and always ready to respond to your call. We service all the Fort Dodge area. (515) 955-4009

The Water Damage Restoration Process

11/11/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Fort Dodge has the expertise and equipment to quickly restore your property to pre-water damage condition. They use a scientific approach to water removal and water cleanup that emphasizes monitoring and documenting the drying process from beginning to end.

Have Water Damage? Call Today 1-833-564-8841

Every water damage event is a little different, and requires a unique solution, but the general process stays the same.

Step 1 - Emergency Contact

When you call, our representative will guide you through several questions that will help SERVPRO of Fort Dodge respond to your water emergency more quickly and efficiently. This initial contact is an important part of a fast, effective restoration.

Step 2 - Inspection and Water Damage Assessment

They carefully inspect your property’s water damage, determining the type of water damage and the areas affected. This is a crucial step to creating an effective plan of action that will result in a successful restoration.

Step 3 - Water Removal / Water Extraction

Typically, hundreds or thousands of gallons of water are removed using our powerful pumps and vacuums during the water removal process. SERVPRO of Fort Dodge starts this process as soon as possible to minimize further damage and to help prevent mold growth.

Step 4 - Drying and Dehumidification

After the bulk of the water has been removed, SERVPRO of Fort Dodge uses specialized equipment to target the water that’s harder to access. They use less intrusive, scientific drying methods to draw the remaining water and moisture from your property with air movers and dehumidifiers.

Step 5 - Cleaning and Sanitizing

Water damage also affects your belongings, like furniture, clothing, and personal items. SERVPRO of Fort Dodge can clean restorable items using a number of specialized cleaning techniques. They also sanitize with antimicrobial treatments and remove odors using industrial air scrubbers and fogging equipment.

Step 6 - Restoration

The last step is restoring your home or business back to its pre-water damage condition. The restoration step can be relatively minor, such as replacing a few drywall panels, or could include major reconstruction, such as rebuilding entire rooms of a home or business.

Water Damage Repair and Restoration

11/11/2019 (Permalink)

When you are dealing with water damage, immediate action is crucial. SERVPRO of Fort Dodge responds immediately and use advanced equipment and techniques to remove the water quickly. They closely monitor and document the drying process to verify your property is dried properly and thoroughly.

SERVPRO Franchise Professionals

Have Questions? Call Today 1-515-955-4009

SERVPRO of Fort Dodge removes moisture, sewage, and contaminants, disinfecting and deodorizing as they safely clean and dry your building and restorable contents.

So, before you risk further damaging the value of your facility by attempting to clean up the mess yourself,  call your water damage cleanup and restoration specialists at SERVPRO of Fort Dodge 515-955-4009

Fort Dodge Water Cleanup

11/5/2019 (Permalink)

With any leak, it’s the water you don’t see that can cause mold, rot and damage to the value of your home. So before you risk more damage by attempting to clean it up yourself, call SERVPRO of Fort Dodge and your local plumber to help make it “Like it never even Happened.”

Even small water damages have the potential to cause serious structural and indoor air quality issues over time. The key to avoiding costly future restoration is to handle every water problem as a real threat to your property. If you have any questions or need help to ensure your property is drying properly, call SERVPRO of Fort Dodge 515-955-4009

SERVPRO will identify the source and type of water to determine the proper course of action. Drying equipment controls temperature and humidity, minimizing secondary damage. When water takes control of your life, SERVPRO of Fort Dodge will help you take it back.

Water Damage Cleanup

11/5/2019 (Permalink)

With more than 40 years of experience, SERVPRO has restored water damaged homes and businesses from coast to coast. Whether the damage is caused by a flood, storm or a burst pipe SERVPRO of Fort Dodge has the tools and the experience to handle the job.

SERVPRO of Fort Dodge knows water damage of any type can be disruptive. Water damage can affect the value of your property and cause secondary damage like mold growth if the structure is not properly cleaned. Before reaching for the mop bucket and box fan to clean the water yourself, consider how the damage could affect your property.

By responding quickly with a full line of water cleanup and restoration services, SERVPRO of Fort Dodge can help you regain control while drying, deodorizing and protecting your home and its contents.

Don’t risk further damage by attempting to clean the mess yourself, call your local water damage and restoration specialists.

Call SERVPRO of Fort Dodge today! 515-955-4009

Water Damage?

11/5/2019 (Permalink)

Water Damage Tips

(These tips are for clean water situations only)

  • Shut off the water source if possible, and if it can be done safely.
  • Remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Remove and prop up wet upholstery cushions for even drying. Do not put cushion covers in washing machine.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks under furniture legs.
  • Hang furs and leather goods separately at room temperature.
  • Remove oriental or other colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Do not use a regular vacuum to remove water.
  • Do not turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet, and keep out of areas where ceilings are sagging from retained water.
  • Do not leave books, magazines or other colored items on wet carpet.

Even small water damages have the potential to cause serious structural and indoor air quality issues over time. The key to avoiding costly future restoration is to handle every water problem as a real threat to your property. If you have any questions or need help to ensure your property is drying properly – call SERVPRO of Fort Dodge 515-955-4009

Water Damage in Fort Dodge Iowa

10/28/2019 (Permalink)

A mop and common cleaning products may not be enough for serious water intrusions. SERVPRO of Fort Dodge  is trained to safely clean and restore your building, utilizing the following procedures:

  • Identify the source/Type of water
  • Measure temperature and humidity for drying analysis
  • Survey the extent of damage and inspect the premises
  • Perform emergency water extraction
  • Apply necessary treatments (disinfectants/deodorization)
  • Utilize drying equipment and monitor drying

SERVPRO of Fort Dodge remove moisture, sewage, and contaminants, disinfecting and deodorizing as they safely clean and dry your building and restorable contents.

So, before you risk further damaging the value of your facility by attempting to clean up the mess yourself,  call your water damage cleanup and restoration specialists at SERVPRO of Fort Dodge 515-955-4009

Unseen Water Damage

11/6/2018 (Permalink)

Even small water damages have the potential to cause serious structural and indoor air quality  issues  over time.

The key to avoiding costly future restoration is to handle every water problem as a real threat to your property. SERVPRO of Fort Dodge has the equipment, training and experience to find and dry unseen water before secondary damages occur. The proper equipment makes a measurable difference in reducing the damage expense during a fire or water loss. When time matters, technology and equipment must be counted on to perform. SERVPRO of Fort Dodge will answer your call with fast action and a full arsenal of drying equipment. Here are a few of the tools used:

  • Moisture Sensors are used to detect moisture in carpets, baseboards and Moisture Meters are used to determine the actual moisture content of various materials. The moisture tester provides accurate readings, allowing SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals to monitor the drying process.
  • Thermohygrometers measure temperature and relative humidity. When armed with this information, SERVPRO of Fort Dodge can calculate and create an environment most conclusive to drying.
  • When facing a contaminated water loss, it is not only important to dry the structure, but the structure must also be disinfected and often deodorized.
  • Ultra-Low-Volume (ULV) Foggers will atomize liquid deodorizing agents, producing a fine mist that can easily penetrate the site where odor-causing residues may accumulate. This device can also be used to inject fungicides and disinfectants into wall cavities and other hard-to-reach
  • Thermal Foggers dispense solvent-based produces by creating a dense fog. The fog consists of tiny particles of deodorant solution that attach to and neutralize odor causing particles.

What is the bottom line? SERVPRO® of Fort Dodge has the training and equipment to help make it "Like it never even happened."

Frozen Pipes

11/2/2018 (Permalink)

Water Cascading from Broken Line in Home

When temperatures plummet, the risk of your pipes freezing and bursting skyrockets. In fact, burst pipes are one of the most common causes of property damage during frigid weather and can cause thousands in water damage—easily $5,000 or more, according to the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety.

Frozen pipes are often those exposed to the cold weather, mainly ones outside of your house or in cold areas. It is great to be aware of the areas that pipes can burst from freezing such as; basements, attics, garages or kitchen cabinets. To prevent pipes from freezing it is good to:

  • Keep garage doors closed, especially if there are water supply lines in the garage.
  • Be sure to drain water completely from swimming pools, sprinkler lines and outside hoses.
  • Open kitchen cabinets to let warm air near the plumbing.
  • When it is extremely cold, let the water drip from the faucets that may come from exposed pipes.
  • Keep your heat set to the same temperature both day and night.
  • These things are very important when winter temperatures kick in as freezing pipes can cause you time, money and become an inconvenience.

Do's and Don'ts of Water Damage

11/2/2018 (Permalink)

Do's & Don'ts


    • Shut off the source of water if possible, or contact a qualified plumbing technician to stop the water source.
    • Turn off circuit breakers for wet areas of the building when access to the power distribution panel is safe from electrical shock.
    • Remove as much excess water as possible by mopping and blotting.
    • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removing lamps and tabletop items. 
    • Remove and prop up wet upholstery cushions for even drying.
    • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpet.
    • Remove to a safe, dry place any paintings, art objects, computers, documents, and other materials that are valuable or sensitive to moisture.
    • Pin up upholstered furniture skirting to keep off damp floors.
    • Hang draperies with coated hangers to avoid contact with carpeting or floors. 
    • Hang furs and leather goods to dry separately at room temperature.


    • Do not enter rooms with standing water where electrical shock hazards may exist.
    • Do not enter effected areas if electrical outlets, switches, circuit breakers, or electrical equipment are exposed to water. Always avoid electrical shock hazards.
    • Do not leave books, newspapers, magazines, or other colored items that may cause staining on wet carpet or floors.
    • Do not use your household vacuum cleaner to remove water, possibly causing electrical shock or damaging the vacuum cleaner.
    • Do not use TV's or other appliances while standing on wet carpets or floors, especially not on wet concrete floors.
    • Do not turn on ceiling fixture if ceiling is wet or enter rooms where ceilings are sagging from retained water.

Watch Your Appliances

9/4/2018 (Permalink)

Most household  floods and water damage are caused by plumbing or appliance failure, according to a study by a U.S. plumbing and drain service company.

The bill for these disasters can add up to hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

This study shows that only about 8 percent of residential flooding claims are the result of weather. Thirty percent are caused by appliance failure like a dishwasher leak and 62 percent by plumbing failure a hose or pipe bursting.

So, in short, the majority of water losses are preventable.

Fortunately, there are some easy steps homeowners can take to protect their homes - and wallets -- from water damage.

  1. Dishwasher

Dishwasher lines and hoses can spring a leak or blow out, often in the middle of the wash cycle, and flood your kitchen with gallons and gallons of water. 

Prevent the problem: Never run the appliances if you're not going to be home, If a pipe bursts, you can minimize the damage by shutting off the water at the water supply line under the sink.

Prevention is key.

Rubber hoses commonly are used to supply water to a dishwasher, and they deteriorate over time. Replace the rubber hose with a much sturdier steel-braided hose found at most home improvement centers and hardware stores). Buying the hose and installing it yourself costs about $20.

  1. Washing machine

Malfunctioning dishwasher drains or water hoses result in some of the most common claims filed by homeowners, says Douglas Nadeau, a spokesman for State Farm. "Most homeowners leave washing machine water supply lines turned on so when a hose busts, water can discharge at up to 500 gallons per hour, causing major damage in a short period of time." Nadeau says.

Prevent the problem: Joseph King, a spokesman for the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety, suggests inspecting washing machine hoses often. "If they're original equipment and more than 5 years old, replace them with stronger steel-braided hoses," King says. These can be installed by a homeowner with a little guidance from a plumbing specialist at a home improvement or hardware store.

For added peace of mind, King suggests installing an automatic shut-off valve equipped with an alarm to alert you of any hose problems. This kind of valve costs about $100 but can save thousands of dollars if it detects a leak and prevents flooding.

  1. Leaky toilet

Any kinds of toilet leaks are signs of trouble. Cracks to the tank or toilet aren't common unless something hits the tank, such as a picture falling off the wall and hitting the "throne."

"More often than not, the supply line to the water tank develops a hole," Lazarus says.

Prevent the problem: it's better to replace a leaky toilet than to repair it. A new tank and bowl can run anywhere from $89 to $250 at a home improvement or hardware retailer. "If you hire a plumber to install the new tank or toilet, it may cost about $150 or more.

If the water supply line is the problem that's easy to repair. "Replace it with a metal-braided supply line because they tend to hold up better in the long run.

Water Out Now!

9/4/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO' s Expertise Saves Homeowners Money and headaches with quick and efficient Water Extraction.

Rapidly removing water reduces the damage that water does to your possessions.

Burst Pipes, broken valve, leaking drain, busted water heater, or a leaking roof can lead to significant water damage in your homes.

Here in Iowa the severe weather is always a threat, tornadoes, hail, or flooding can devastate entire neighborhoods in our area. It seems just when you start to dry out another round of storms is on its way. Water damage from weather, broken plumbing, or improper drainage can be a significant blow to a homeowner.

At SERVPRO we know how important it is to you to be back in your home as quickly as possible, to eliminate the risk of more damage we need to get the water out of you home as quickly as possible, depending on the amount of space in your home that was flooded and the amount of water released into your home this process can take a few days to a week or more, our team of technicians are IICRC certified in water removal mitigation and works fervently to make sure the process is as painless and efficient as possible for you

Each locally owned office maintains a 24-hour response team specializing in water removal. Damage with standing water in the home starts immediately and any standing water needs to be removed as soon as possible. SERVPRO owns and keeps on hand a variety of pumps and water extractors  that are designed for residential homes and commercial buildings, each office maintains generators to support the teams and equipment because what is the point of having equipment if the power grid is knocked out from the storm and not having a way to have power in the storm.

After the standing water has been removed our technicians apply and anti-microbial solution, and utilize a series of fans and dehumidifiers based of the size of each affected room and the amount of open air in the house. This is to remove the excess moisture in the affected materials and remove the humidity to prevent any anti-microbial growth (these can range from just bad smells to mold or even the decomposition of materials). The technicians also may use specialized mat systems for wood floors, and set pads under furniture to minimize staining of the carpet and to protect the furniture. Ink may bleed and run from cloth or paper good and most of the time this makes them almost impossible to salvage, but our highly trained technicians may be able to if they get to them quickly enough. 

If you are concerned about preventing damage, you can contact us for an inspection or if you have need of our services now, call us at (515) 955-4009. As a locally owned business, SERVPRO of Fort Dodge is dedicated to restoring the homes of our neighbors.

What to do AFTER water damage

7/10/2018 (Permalink)

Understanding what type of water you are dealing with is critical. 

Clean water is water from a broken pipe or other water source; rainwater is also considered clean. Gray water is slightly contaminated water; clean water becomes gray water when it is left untreated. Black water is highly contaminated and filled with fungi, bacteria, and chemicals. Black water is usually caused by sewage damage, flooding or any type of natural disaster. Black water should ALWAYS be handled by a trained professional.

Make sure you...

-Shut off the water source if possible or contact someone to do it

-Turn off circuit breakers if safe from potential electrical shock. DO NOT enter rooms with standing water.

-Remove excess water by mopping and blotting. Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removing tabletop items. Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpet.

-Remove and prop up wet upholstery cushions.

-Move any paintings, art, computers, documents, and other items of value to a safe place.

-Do not leave any books, newspapers, or magazines on wet carpet.

-Do not use your household vacuum cleaner since there is potential for electrical shock. 

-Do not turn on ceiling fixtures if the ceiling is wet, and do not enter the room if the ceiling is sagging.

24 Hour Emergency Water Damage Service

11/17/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Fort Dodge is available 24 hours a day for water emergencies, large or small. When you are dealing with water damage, immediate action is crucial. A delay of just a few hours can greatly increase the severity of the water damage.

We Answer the Phone Ready to Help
Call Today: 515-955-4009

We understand that when you call us, you may be feeling confused, stressed, and vulnerable. You need an expert to guide you through this crisis. SERVPRO of Fort Dodge has the specific water damage training and experience to help you through this tough time. We specialize in water damage restoration in fact, it's the cornerstone of our business.

What to Expect

When you call, we will ask several questions regarding your water damage emergency. These questions will help us determine what equipment and resources to bring, including how many trained SERVPRO Professionals may be needed.

Our SERVPRO Representative will ask several questions:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Your insurance information (if applicable)
  • The street address of the water-damaged home or business
  • When did the flooding or water damage occur?
  • What caused the water damage (if known)?
  • Is there electricity available (on-site)?

About SERVPRO of Fort Dodge:

SERVPRO of Fort Dodge specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO's corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

We Specialize In Flooded Basement Cleanup And Restoration!

11/17/2017 (Permalink)

This home's basement flooded due to heavy rains.

A basement can flood at any time, although flooding most often occurs during heavy rainfall. Basements are inherently prone to flooding because they are the lowest level of a building and are normally built partly or entirely below ground level. There are a number of reasons why your basement could flood, including:

  • A blocked or failed sewer lateral pipe
  • Heavy rain causes surface water to pool around your home
  • Storm sewer backup
  • Sanitary sewer backup
  • Foundation drainage failure
  • Water supply-line break or hot-water tank failure
  • And many more

Have Questions about Basement Flooding?

Call Today : 515-955-4009

If flood water is not handled quickly and properly, it can jeopardize your health and safety, and cause severe damage to your home's structure. Remember, the longer you wait, the worse the problem will get.

The bottom line: a flooded basement can jeopardize your health, safety, and your home's integrity. It's worth making a call to SERVPRO of Fort Dodge and let our trained, professional crews handle the situation safely and correctly. We have earned the trust of hundreds of homeowners, business owners, and property professionals.

We are Flooded Basement Specialists:

  • We are Available 24 hours/7 days per week
  • We're a Preferred Vendor to many National Insurance Companies
  • We Bill The Insurance Directly: One Less Thing For You To Worry About
  • Our Technicians are Highly-Trained in Water Restoration Techniques
  • We use s500 IICRC Restoration Standards
  • Advanced Inspection and Extraction Equipment

Basement Flooded? Call Us Today. We're Ready To Help! 515-955-4009

Faster to your Fort Dodge Water Damage Event

11/14/2017 (Permalink)

Our Crew at SERVPRO of Fort Dodge

Flooding and water emergencies don't wait for regular business hours and neither do we. SERVPRO of Fort Dodge provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including all holidays.

Faster To Any Size Disaster

Flooding and water damage is very invasive. Water quickly spreads throughout your home and gets absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, and more. SERVPRO of Fort Dodge arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately. This immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 515-955-4009

Water Damage Timeline

Within Minutes

  • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
  • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

Hours 1 - 24:

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
  • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
  • A musty odor appears.

48 Hours to 1 Week:

  • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
  • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
  • Metal begins to rust and corrode.
  • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
  • Paint begins to blister.
  • Wood flooring swells and warps.
  • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

More Than 1 Week:

  • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.
  • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

About SERVPRO of Fort Dodge

SERVPRO of Fort Dodge specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO's corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.